Monday, April 24, 2006

Going back in Christmas

These pics are from our first Christmas together. You may recall I was in Iraq last year. ...Much better holiday in 2005, I must say.Dan and our lovely REAL tree that we picked at a quaint little tree farm just north of Killeen. They served us yummy warm cider too. Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas?

Dan and his new Redskins mug. GO RAMS!

Dan adding the star. Isn't he precious?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Me and Dan

This is from a trip to Corpus Christi.

A few pics from the Deroche wedding

Photographs from Amy and Tom's wedding last year...

Friday, April 21, 2006

2005 Portfolio Pics

These are a few of my favorite photographs I shot during 2005. More to come.

A photo from my photo essay on an 80-year old golf course supervisor.

Rail loading ops...

Change of command ceremony.

Reflections of senior leaders at a change of command ceremony on Fort Hood.

A boy learns how to spin a basketball at the Harlem Globetrotters show.

Texas governor Rick Perry speaking at the new Veteran's Cemetary in Killeen, Texas.

An amazing young girl singing Aretha Franklin's Respect at a talent show.

A few pics from Iraq

Here are a couple of photos from my deployment to Iraq in 2004:

A view of Trailer City and our lovely amenities. Much better than the tents.

The Al-Faw Palace (Water Palace) where we worked.

Me and a few Iraqi children at a Baghdad market.

Pics from Thanksgiving in NYC

I know Thanksgiving was many months ago, but I'm going to post them anyway. I love New York, and we had a wonderful time despite the bitter temperatures...

My father-in law John deep in thought.

Notice the sign...Nice Dan...

Dan and Rachel at the Macy's Parade. SOOO cold but such a blast.

Dan's brother Ben. LOL.

My first trip to Grand Central Station. Like the new hat?

My mother-in law on Thanksgiving..............


Welcome to my blog. This is my attempt to *hopefully* provide an update on my life for family and friends on a regular basis. I hope to throw in some of my work along the way...........