Monday, February 26, 2007

Ugh - computer problems

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My computer has been acting crazy. Anyway, the first week of daycare went fine. Aidan doesn't nap well there, but other than that I had no complaints....That is until today. They mixed up his milk (breastmilk) and fed some other baby's to Aidan. They both have the same name and the teacher didn't pay attention to the last name. Needless to say I was very mad. I know people make mistakes, but that's soooo gross. Not to mention the fact that I don't know what that lady was eating/drinking/etc.

When I drop Aidan off and pick him up, all the older kids (6 months and up) tend to get very excited any time they see someone in uniform. Today when I was dropping Aidan off, there was a little boy who was having his first day at the daycare. He was crying and crawling on the floor and seemed to be following me everywhere I went. Sure enough, he was just seeing Army boots and uniform, and he thought I was his parent. He wanted me to pick him up. It was soooo sad. Poor little guy. I guess that's the only good thing about taking Aidan when he's so young - he doesn't even know to miss me yet. Here are a few photos I've taken since the last post. He's growing like a weed. Every day I find a new outfit that doesn't fit. He's still in 0/3 months clothes, but I'm not sure for how much longer.

We didn't do much over the weekend...went to Walmart and Target. He loves taking walks in the baby carrier. I think he just generally loves being outside in the fresh air, and lucky for us the weather has been beautiful in Texas. I'm sure the awful heat is just around the corner though.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We survived!

Aidan's first day of daycare was much more traumatic for me than it was for him. I cried when I had to kiss him goodbye. All the teachers came and reassured me that he would be fine, that he was so handsome he would have a million girlfriends by the end of the day. That made me laugh! I ended up being about 30 minutes late to work, but I didn't care. I was ok when I got to work, except when people asked me about him, then I got teary eyed again.

When I went to pick him up, his teacher Yvonne said he didn't really nap all day. It didn't surprise me, he hadn't the past two days. He's always been a difficult napper. We got home about 5, he ate and took a little nap. Then I tried to wake him up about an hour later and he was sooo fussy. He acted hungry again, but wouldn't eat. I changed his diaper, put him in his pjs, he ate a little bit and then he passed out. Poor little guy hasn't had much sleep the past few days (and subsequently neither have I). I hope he gets a good night's rest tonight. 7 weeks old with no naps is not a good thing. Tomorrow I'm going to bring his swaddle me blanket, hopefully that will help.

Here's a photograph of him on the way to daycare. Doesn't he look cute? Heleena sent it to him, and I think he looked adorable. But I'm a bit biased.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Aidan's first day of daycare tomorrow

So I'm pretty nervous about someone besides me taking care of my baby all day. We went Friday to go through orientation and we saw his room, met his "teacher". Everyone seemed really nice, especially the infant lady. She said he's going to be spoiled, which is fine with me. I'd prefer that to the alternative.

Aidan hasn't been sleeping as well at night as he used to. It's been taking him a while to fall asleep, and then when he wakes, it again takes him forever to go to sleep. I have to rock him, pat his bottom etc. Yesterday was a really rough day. I couldn't get him to take any naps. He would fall asleep for 20 minutes and then he'd be wide awake. It was really hard, and then by 9 he was exhausted, but still wouldn't fall asleep. So I wrapped him in his swaddle and put him in the bassinette. I kept checking on him every few minutes. He was awake but never cried or made any noises, he was just laying there. Finally about 9:30 he had put himself to sleep. It was so exciting for me after such a long, tiring day.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bath time

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Isn't he the cutest?

Here are a bunch of random photos I took today. We were a little bored this afternoon. Good news - I got Aidan enrolled in the daycare I originally wanted him to go to, thanks to some help from a coworker. I was worried I'd have to take him to some crazy untrustworthy place off Fort Hood. His first day will be Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

7 weeks old!

Aidan is 7 weeks old! (Well in a few hours he will be anyway.)

He's doing well since we got back to Texas. He's been sleeping great. *knocking on wood* A lady at my work was able to make a few phone calls to get him into a child development center on Fort Hood, so I just need to register him and go through some sort of registration and he'll be ready to go to daycare. Luckily this weekend is a four day weekend, so I'll still get a few days with the little guy.

I get to talk to Dan every night for now, which I'm thankful for. He's doing pretty well, just a lot of Army training. He's going to the range to qualify with his M16 Thursday. He'll be leaving Saturday, but he doesn't get orders until then, so we don't know where he's headed for sure. More training somewhere I'm sure.

Photos from our trip

Dan with Aidan shortly before we left Killeen

We took a last minute trip to visit my grandparents (first time great grandparents I might add) as well as cousins and my aunt.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My blog gets a makeover!

What do you think of the new look? Just a side note that I switched this blog over to the new format, and now you guys can comment freely without being a registered user. YAY! I know that was a pain for many of you, so comment away!

Good times...

So for those of you who don't already know, the lovely Army denied my leave and I had to return to Texas. My mom and I drove back from MO and she flew back. Definitely would have been rough by myself.

I had to go to work today, but because of the short notice about returning to work, have no daycare set up. The CDCs on post have a backed up waiting list, or so they told me, so Aidan came to work with me today. We lasted an hour and a half, then just went home. I expect tomorrow will be much of the same. Aidan didn't really like being at my work, he cried the entire time. I don't blame him. Somebody I work with is going to try to talk to the person in charge of Child and Youth Services to see if she can get us a spot earlier than April.

Aidan and I made our first trip grocery shopping by ourselves. That was interesting...I put him in his baby carrier (the kind that holds the baby facing you on your chest/stomach). He liked it for the most part. He was looking all around excitedly. (Didn't want to put him in his carseat because he doesn't like to be in it when he's awake, maybe it's the straps or something.) Towards the end of the tip, he did start to get fussy, then he just fell asleep, which I didn't expect at all.

I think he's going through a growth spurt because he is eating constantly, which makes things crazy for me. The same thing happened when he was 3 weeks old. It was great when it was over.

It's not so bad being back here with Aidan. Once we get into a rhythm, I'm sure we'll be fine. I just have to figure out the easiest ways to do things by trial and error. It'll be so sad to take him to daycare, but that's definitely the only way I'm ever going to get anything done.

I apologize to those of you I need to call or email (especially Michelle, Heleena, Belinda. There just aren't enough hours in the day lately. At least if I post on my blog, you guys know what's going on with us. I'll try to post some more photos from our Missouri trip, but I'm just too exhausted tonight - and it's only 9:30.....Off to bed...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More Aidan pics

Aidan and his aunt Gretchen

br>Aidan in his snowsuit from his grandparents Heleena and John

Aidan with his cousin Justice

snuggling with daddy

enjoying bath time

chilling in his bouncy seat

Aidan had a big moment today - HE SMILED! I was pretending to eat his chin and making funny sounds at him and he smiled a real smile at me. I was so excited I was screeching, probably scared the little guy a bit. Oh well, it was amazing. Still trying to capture a smile with the camera. Aidan is meeting so many new people this week. Yesterday he met his aunt Gretchen and today he met his cousins and his aunt Michelle. Of course they all loved him.

Dan said he met a guy at Fort Jackson who knows the commander of the unit they're with and he said they're headed to Qatar. Not great news, but it could have been worse.

Here are a few photos from the past few days....

Oh - and I apologize to those of you who email me and don't get a response. It's been difficult for me to get anything done. Our schedule has been really messed up since we got to STL. Forgive me, I'll try to write soon!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

We're in MO!

Dan and I survived the drive to Missouri. It took us 16 hours, only 2 more than it used to without Aidan. Not too bad. He pretty much slept the entire trip, only woke to eat, so we would stop for him and then get right back on the road.

This morning we took Dan to the airport. He's now in South Carolina and we're very sad. He said it's not too bad. They're treating him and the others called up on IRR very nicely, I guess because they know these guys are getting a raw deal. Anyway...I've just been trying to get caught up on some much needed sleep, which hasn't been very easy. I'll post more when I'm feeling up to it.