Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Just call me handywoman
With Dan gone, I have to do things I'm not used to - things I'm really not very good at. For example, putting together furniture is NOT my forte. I bought this fabulous bookcase from Target last week and put it together on my lunch break. I think I did a great job. Also, recently I hung a shelf in the bathroom and hung curtains in Aidan's room and in the living room. And I completely redid our photo collage in the living room. I think all of my recent projects turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.
On Saturday, Aidan accompanied me to a photo shoot. Some soldiers volunteered to fix up a homeless shelter in a town near Fort Hood. I had to go take photos for the paper, and Aidan was pretty good. I was worried he would get tired and fussy, but he was good long enough for me to get the job done. Then we went to Target and bought some new curtains for his room. I previously put up yellow, but thought they were too light. Then I picked green. Still not sure about those. I didn't want blue because I thought that would be a complete overkill. I don't know, keep the green, or go with yellow? What do you guys think?
Today we went grocery shopping. Aidan always wakes up around 8 a.m., so we got an early start. I love going to Super Wal-Mart when NOBODY is there. It's a much more peaceful experience. If you go in the evening or afternoon on the weekend, it's such madness that I nearly have a breakdown everytime. Well, not really, but you get the idea.
Enjoy the new photos...Bear with me - they're from my little point and shoot camera!
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8:25 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The answer is Office Space!!!!!!!!
Props to Heidi and Amy! I need to watch that movie again, I haven't seen it in 3 months. It's been MUCH too long. :)
So it looks like Dan is going to be going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba....We think. Things in the Army change constantly, but this seems most likely. Much better than Iraq, but I'd prefer it if he were home - obviously. Still waiting to hear if he's going to be coming home for a visit before he goes.
It's hard to believe Aidan is nearly 3 months old. He's such a sweet baby. The most amazing thing in the world is to have him smile at me and give me a little coo. I'm so very lucky to have him with me through all this. He truly brightens my day.
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6:57 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays
You get 10 points if you know what movie that line is from. I'll give you the answer tomorrow.
This weekend Aidan and I went to the outlet mall in San Marcos with a friend from work and her 2-year-old son. It was so nice to just get out of the house with him, and he did very well. I think he enjoyed it because we were walking around outside - unlike at the regular mall we go to in Killeen. He only cried when we were getting ready to leave because he was hungry. Such a good little boy.
For those of you who are wondering, his sleeping is fine. He went through a short period where he wasn't doing very well, but I think it had to do with visitors and maybe a growth spurt. Anyway, since it's just us, he's back to normal. I can even lay him in his bed awake and he'll go to sleep on his own. Now that's amazing to me. I never thought that would happen. I bought a bunch of sleeping books when he had those couple days of bad sleeping - I guess it can't hurt to read them.
I finally made his footprint in this little footprint kit we had. If I had waited any longer, his foot would have been to big. Dummy that I am, I spilled the blue paint all over the carpet. I'm still working on getting it out.
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8:14 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Since St. Patricks Day is on Saturday, his daycare had "wear green day" today. He wore a little onesie from Old Navy that reads "Rub My Belly For Good Luck." All the teachers loved it, and so do I. Aidan and I don't actually have any big plans. I think we might drive to a camera shop in Austin and that's about it. Enjoy the photos.
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8:49 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Worst blogger ever
Sorry I've only been updating weekly...Aidan is definitely keeping me busy in Dan's absence.
He had a doctor appointment yesterday and he received his 2 month shots. Not so fun. I had to hold him down, and when he screamed (like I've never ever seen him do before) I started crying. It was very sad. He got over it pretty quickly, but I was still upset. The nurse was very understanding though, said that just shows how much I love him. She made me feel better. He's been running a slight fever, but he seems in good spirits - still cooing at me! He's 12 lbs. 3 oz. Everyone kept saying how big he was, which is nice especially since he was so tiny when he was born. He's really doing well.
He's actually cooing a ton now. He sounds like a little owl, and he actually smiles sometimes when I pick him up from daycare. That makes me feel great.
The past 2 weekends have been great. This past weekend Heleena came to visit us, and the one before that my mom came. It was great having some adult company. I know they were both thrilled to see how big Aidan is getting.
This picture is courtesy of Heleena, who captured a great big smile of Aidan. I love looking at that picture at work.
Still no "official" news on Dan's mobilization/deployment. They apparently keep changing their minds...
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6:24 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
It's been a month...
Well it's nearly been a month since Dan left, and Aidan and I are doing ok. Not great, but we're hanging in there. Aidan has become a more difficult sleeper - I thought it was supposed to get easier as they get older, but I guess I was wrong. I ordered a few sleeping books, so we'll see if they can help us at all. He went from waking once a night to 3-4 times a night. It's rough going to work in the mornings after nights like that.
The other day I went to the mall to find Aidan something cute to wear for St. Patty's day. They're supposed to wear green to school next Friday, since St. Patrick's Day is Saturday. Anyway, when I was there I found this really cute outfit, so here's a picture of the little man in his new clothes.
I don't do much these days...Basically I just go to work, pick Aidan up, give him a bath and put him to sleep, and then do dishes, laundry, etc., go to sleep and do it all over again. Very exciting isn't it? Not really, but my favorite time of day is in the morning because Aidan LOVES that time of day. He is so smiley and sometimes he laughs...It makes getting up early in the morning MUCH easier. He's amazing.
UPDATE: Ok, so I tried to upload the pics, but somethings going crazy. I'll try to add it again later.
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8:52 PM