Notice the new banner?
I figured I'd try to put something a little more creative, so this is a trial banner until I come up with something better. What do you guys think?
I figured I'd try to put something a little more creative, so this is a trial banner until I come up with something better. What do you guys think?
Posted by
9:29 PM
That's the number of days I have left in the Army! Yay for me.
So in my free time, though nearly obsolete, I have been pondering my post-Army life. There are so many questions and so many decisions our little family must make in the next year. I must say I've been pondering continuing my time in the Army - but don't freak out. I would re-enlist into the National Guard. (You only serve 2 days a month) I'm hoping in the near future they'll approve medical coverage for National Guard and Reserve soldiers. That would definitely make it worth it. Oh - and I would only do that as an officer. This enlisted crap is for the birds.
I see these little brand new lieutenants who know nothing about anything and I have to salute them and call them ma'am and sir. Ugh, I'm so thorougly sick of it. It's time for somebody to salute ME! :)
Aidan seems to be feeling a little better. He actually graced me with a few smiles today. I must say though, it's so sad to put his little baby inhaler on his face. Plus, he really hates it. I think it scares him to have the mask on his face.
Posted by
7:58 PM
So Aidan has been sick for a while. This weekend his cough got so bad he was having a difficult time breathing. So I took him to the ER at 5 a.m. After 3 breathing treatments, a chest x-ray and several hours of monitoring, he was released. They think he *might* have pneumonia. Thet gave him an inhaler, prednisone and amoxicillin. Poor baby - he hates all 3. Sometimes he pukes when he gets the medicine. Not so fun. They said they saw a spot on his chest x-ray, but it was too small to tell if it was pneumonia or not, so we go back to the pediatrician on Monday.
And - he's been sleeping terribly this week. I'm so exhausted I can't even think straight most of the time. Oh - and to top it off, I think I might have pink eye. I need to go to the doctor, but I don't have time.
Anyway, I can see you! Ok, no really, but I have tracking software in my blog that tells me how often my blog is looked at, which is pretty interesting. It makes me post more, since I know people are actually looking at it. You guys are all lazy and don't leave comments, so I never know if anybody really reads this mumbo jumbo.
Dan has landed at his final destination. For security reasons, I was told not to put his location on this blog. Certain people have been known to find out details about Soldiers' lives and put their families at risk. Sooo, let's not specify. OK? Ok great. Thanks. He said it's beautiful and that he doesn't think it will be too bad of a mission. Better than many of the alternatives I suppose. I haven't had a chance to talk to him much, he doesn't have enough phone card time. Hopefully he'll get some more soon so I can give you guys more details. One big bonus is I'm allowed to visit him. I can't wait!
Posted by
8:31 PM
I'm a little late posting this, but Dan and I have been married 3 years! Yay for us! Dan sent me some beautiful roses. I'm sad we couldn't be together, but hopefully he'll be back for our 4-year anniversary next year.
Aidan and I are doing fine, except he's been sick. It started out as a little cough. Now it's a really bad cough that makes him cry sometimes. He's been running a slight fever and he just looks miserable. He did calm down enough to sit outside this afternoon. It was a very pretty day, even though it did threaten to rain - though it never did happen. It took him forever to fall asleep because he keeps waking himself up when he coughs. The other day I had to pick him up from daycare early because he was too sick. They called and said he only ate 1 ounce of milk the entire time. I immediately went to pick him up. Poor little Aidan. I put him in the bathroom with steam, I ran the humidifier and finally I rubbed Vicks Baby Rub on his chest. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.
Posted by
7:31 PM
It's been a good weekend (for the most part) for Aidan and me. Yesterday we drove to Austin to have a playdate with my friend Belinda and her daughter Katherine (who is 3 weeks younger than Aidan). We had so much fun with them. We went for a long walk in a park by her apartment. There was a really pretty creek where you can rent kayaks and there were so many TREES, which we don't have many of here at Fort Hood. We also went to Babies R Us (they have a fabulous one in Austin) where I spent lots of money on Aidan. Well, not too much, but he got some new clothes, a toy and a new swaddler. It was so nice to get out of this crappy place.
Anyway, Aidan and I had a long overdue photo shoot today. I finally got out the good camera... Hope you like them. Vote for your favorite!
Posted by
7:23 PM
Ok, so I know that's not a big deal to most of you, but for me it's a HUGE deal. He actually slept for 2 1/2 hours straight. This child has not taken a nap at daycare for more than 30 minutes EVER. His afternoon teacher is a genious. Apparently they make a machine that makes a noise like a heartbeat. She put him in his bouncy chair next to the machine and he finally took a nap at daycare. Anyway - I was very excited because usually he comes home with huge circles under his eyes, red eyes and he's crying because he's so exhausted. It was nice to not see him look like that today.
I think it's amazing how once you become a parent your entire life changes. I mean, you always hear people say that, but you can never fully understand that until you have a child. In the beginning, it was so exhausting and so difficult taking care of Aidan. Now, even by myself, it's just become habit. Every day with him is a little miracle, and I'm even getting used to waking up a couple times a night. As long as I can get 3-4 hours of straight sleep, I'm good to go. Usually I get 3 hours straight, then 2 and then 1. So I suppose collectively I get about 6-7 hours, but it's certainly no 6 hours straight. I honestly don't even think I could sleep 7 hours straight. The other night Aidan slept from 7 p.m. to 4 p.m. I woke up in a huge panic, thinking something was certainly wrong. Nope. He was sleeping peacefully in his crib. Oh - did I mention that? He's a big boy now, and he sleeps in his crib in his very own room.
I'm still nursing exclusively. (Sorry if the following is too much information, but deal with it =)
Anyway, I pump at work, and I have to say it's exhausting! Not to mention very difficult to find the time. I had originally planned to stop at 4 months (well actually there was a time I wanted to quit at about 5 weeks or so). I'm definitely going to keep nursing him, but I think I'll just take it month by month. I certainly don't know how women do this for a year though. That's just crazy.
Hmmm. I'm trying to think of something interesting to tell you besides stuff about Aidan. You don't get sick of hearing about him do you? Nah - didn't think so.
Anyway, so they made a huge announcement about all active duty troops in Iraq being extended by 3 months. Who didn't see that coming? Fort Hood is the premiere post for deployments, and I think we're so used to this it's ridiculous. There are guys going over there for a third or fourth deployment. I can't begin to imagine how awful that would be. Everyone in my office thinks they're doing this to coincide with the elections. They want to get as many troops as they can over there, that way the Republicans can say "the troops are over there, so we might as well leave them there." I don't really have anything to say about that, except for the fact that I've seen first hand what this war is doing to people - people all around me. Many Americans don't fully understand the toll this is taking. Here at Fort Hood, everyone understands. There are 50,000 troops on our post, and absolutely the majority have done at LEAST one tour over there. When I was in Iraq I was fully supportive of the war because I saw what us being over there meant for the Iraqi people. But now, several years later, I'm not going to say I don't support it (absolutely not) but things are out of hand and I really feel sorry for the thousands of families being pulled apart because of politics. Ok - enough of my rant. Sorry if I got too political for you.
Posted by
8:48 PM
So I woke up this morning to discover it was a whopping 30 degrees outside. I couldn't believe it. In April? In Texas? What on earth? Needless to say, I put Aidan in his snowsuit for our trip grocery shopping at WalMart. When we came back and I was taking him in the house, I had a blanket over his face, but he kept knocking it away. The giant snowflakes were falling on his face and he was blinking really quickly - it was so funny. I took a picture of him in the snow (well not exactly IN the snow, but you get the idea). I'll be anxious to see what it looks like in the morning...It's supposed to stay pretty cold here. Aidan got an early Easter present - a new bouncy chair. He was too long for the other one, and his foot would hit the little box that held the batteries. This new one is supposed to hold him until he's a toddler (40 pounds) so hopefully he'll get some good use out of it. It's funny how once you have a child, you never buy yourself anything. It suddenly seems trivial, and all you think about is him. Anyway, hopefully I can dig a battery out for my "real" camera and take some fun Easter shots of Aidan tomorrow. Although I don't know what he's going to wear. It's not as if he has a plethora of winter apparel!
Posted by
9:28 PM
Dan was allowed to take a pass over the weekend. Aidan and I were thrilled to have him home - even if for a short while. He'll be heading to Fort Lewis for training for approximately 2 weeks. Then he'll head to his final destination. He'll be gone about a year from this month. Here are some pictures of my 2 favorite boys in the entire world.
Posted by
9:27 PM