More Army drama
So the Army has stop-lossed me. This means instead of getting out in April, I'm now getting out in June. I'm really disappointed because I'm so ready to be done with this entire experience. My student loans are paid off and I want out. At least Dan will be here to move with us, well, hopefully. ****knocking on wood******
Sorry no pics today. Things have been busy here. I had 24-hour duty twice in 2 weeks. Luckily, there's an amazing teacher at Aidan's daycare who's totally in love with him (who wouldn't be!) and she watched him for me. She has 3 children of her own and they absolutely loved him too. So he was well cared for. So, that's my excuse for not posting much lately.
A little update: He is just about to crawl. He is up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He can say Da Da. And he is sitting up really well. Oh, and
he's 8 months old today! Can you believe it?