Happy October!
Well, I didn't get my recent Aidan pictures uploaded, but I'll still give you something to look at. These are from a wedding shoot a couple of weeks ago. Take a peak and let me know what you think.
Well, I didn't get my recent Aidan pictures uploaded, but I'll still give you something to look at. These are from a wedding shoot a couple of weeks ago. Take a peak and let me know what you think.
Posted by
9:28 PM
I know I've been a terrible blogger this month. Sorry!
Last weekend, John and Heleena came to visit us. Aidan and I had a great visit with them. They even took me out to a great restaurant for an early birthday dinner, which was super nice.
I know I say this on every post, but Aidan is growing up way to fast. Yesterday, he crawled to the window in the living room and pulled himself into a standing position. I am so not ready for him to be walking, but I have a sneaking suspicion that's just around the corner. AAAAAAHHHHHH.
Anywho, here are some photos from this weekend. Some show him on his new toy -- his push-around buggy, or that's what the box said anyway. He loved it! There's also a preview of his Halloween costume. I still need to buy him some black pants to go under it, but I just wanted to try it on him to see what it looked like. I was laughing sooooo hard, and I knew I had to grab a quick shot, so I got the little point and shoot camera out to take it. I don't really think he enjoyed the costume, though. Silly little Aidan.
Last but not least are some more self-timer pics.
Posted by
1:19 PM
I'm not sure when it happened, but Aidan no longer looks like a baby. He looks like a little boy! It makes me kind of sad. But, he's sooo handsome!
I haven't been posting much in the past week because I photographed a wedding, and I'm still trying to get caught up on those photos. And, I was really sick over the weekend. But, I'm feeling great now! Thanks for checking in with me and Aidan.
Posted by
7:13 AM
He loves Direct TV as much as his dad!
Here's Aidan in mid-roll.
He's wondering what he can get into next!
my crawling baby!
He's going to pick out a movie.
Poor baby, his tooth was hurting...And yes, I did cut his fingernails last night! ;)
My little boy is growing so fast. All in about 1-2 weeks, he's learned to crawl, can sit up very well on his own (finally!) and he is getting his first tooth! I can't believe it! The entire weekend, he would only take, at most, a 15-minute nap. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but yesterday I saw something in his mouth. I stuck my finger in there and could feel the little ridges of his very first tooth! poor guy, I think it's pretty uncomfortable.
Here are some photos to show you how he's really getting into everything these days. It's hard for mom to keep up with this rolling/crawling maniac! :)
Posted by
7:25 AM