Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great news!

My transition leave form was finally signed after much drama, so I'll be finished with the Army on March 20! Yay! I can't tell you how relieved I am that this is all almost over. Shortly thereafter, Aidan and I will be headed to STL. And Dan will join us about a month and a half later. We're very anxious to be done with all of this. And don't worry, you're getting a photo today, too. (Man, I've been on top of it this month!)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Aidan obsession

BOOKS! This is definitely a good thing, since books are much easier to have than dogs. Plus, I think it'll be a while before we can get a dog. I'm not taking care of a child and a dog by myself! No way. He likes books with textures and pull-out pictures. Last weekend we were in Target, and he found some Curious George book that he just loved. The thing was about $20 (*gasp*), but he loved the textures in it, and they were colorful. I ended up putting it back, and he was so mad. So I decided to pull a little trick on him. We went to the dollar bin and picked up a little wooden car and a book. For a total of $2! That probably won't last long, though. I'm sure he'll figure out my plan one day. He's an intuitive little guy. Here's proof he actually does like something other than dogs.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crazy kid

This is Aidan in mid-yell. He was hollering at me because he heard the dog down the street barking. He tried to run to the street, I'm assuming to find that dog. He got mad when I picked him up and took him closer to the front door. We were playing ball outside, but he kept trying to run away. He would point and grunt, like I'm supposed to know what he wants. Well I did, but it wasn't about to happen. Yeah, so we ended up going inside to play.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

More Aidan

Saturday, February 23, 2008

2 more from last weekend

Aidan has a nasty stomach bug today. He's been vomiting every time he eats. Poor baby. I hope he's better tomorrow. Since I have no pictures from today, here are 2 more from last weekend.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dog lover

This first photo is Aidan after he heard a dog barking down the street. "Daw! Daw! Daw!" He tells me, pointing to where he hears the barking. He is obsessed with animals. He just adores them. The last one is Aidan running away to the neighbor's house. Boy is he fast!

By the way, do you like our hay, uh, I mean grass!?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

See some changes?

No, I'm not trying to freak anyone out by changing the blog every single day. I'm actually in the process of updating my website, and I'd like to have the blog really match this time, soooooo I've just playing with a few ideas. Thanks for putting up with me!

When the weather is too bad to head outdoors, Aidan and I usually hit the mall - not to shop for anything in particular but just for something to do. Unfortunately, that usually means we head to Baby Gap. Yes, the prices are ridiculous, and yes, sometimes I don't even like anything in there...BUT, most of the time, I want to buy one of everything. Now I know this is absurd. Aidan is a pre-toddler (that's his official title at school now), and he is still growing out of his clothes every day. But it doesn't matter. I cannot control myself. I must buy SOMETHING! Well, this time it was a little man shirt. I find myself usually dressing Aidan similarly to how Dan dresses (when he's not wearing one of a thousand football jerseys). Here is our latest purchase. It was worth it. Isn't he so handsome?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Our playdate with Kate and Belinda

Aidan and I had a great time with our friends Katherine and Belinda today. It was a nice day, so we took a trip to the park. It turned out to be a great photo op!

Your daily Aidan pic

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My latest wedding

Well, I say it everytime, but shooting weddings really does get easier and easier. Not that it's ever actually EASY. Shooting weddings is the most difficult type of photography, in my opinion. This was from about 3 weeks ago, and it's complete with sabers and everything. Sabers=swords ;) (Oh, and there's a new Aidan pic in the post below, in case you missed it!)

Just an Aidan pic for the day

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Naked baby alert!

Aidan is growing up way too fast. It's now clear that he understands most things I say to him. When I say, "Aidan, do you wanna take a bath?" he says "Baaaaa!" Then he runs as fast as he can to bang on the bathroom door. (I keep it closed because he likes to play in the toilet water.) He also has a few other words, too. He says "daw" for dog. Today, we were in my bedroom putting away clothes, and he went to the window. He looked out and saw a dog in the neighbor's yard. He kept saying "daw, daw, daw, daw!" I said, "Yes, Aidan, there's a doggie!" So I picked him up so he could see a little better. When I tried to continue to put laundry away, he would pull on my clothes and say, "Mama, DAW!!!!!!" It was a little annoying after the 10th time, but he's so stinking cute...Who am I to deny him?

Anyway! This is Aidan running to the bathroom because I asked him if he wanted a bath.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

We know it's almost over, but Aidan and I wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The prince of boo boos

Over last weekend, I took Aidan to a lake to feed the ducks. Aidan was so excited to see them, and he kept walking as fast as his little feet would take him to get to them. Well, he's still a wobbly little guy, and the result is in the photograph. Aidan took a good hard fall onto the concrete. He cried for a good 30 seconds and then was over it. Today, he climbed on a table at school, and fell off, ending up with a giant goose egg on his forehead. Everybody keeps telling me it's because of B.O.Y. What do YOU think?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What a brave, brave boy

Aidan's visit to the hospital went very well. He was so brave, and he didn't even cry when strangers took him away. Although I can't say the same for his mama. I cried. Nearly the whole time he was gone, which was all of about 9 minutes. They wheeled him back in, and he had just started to come around. He was completely disoriented and groggy. He was also super cranky. We stayed in a recovery room only for about 10 minutes, and then they said we could go. He seemed better when we got into the car. I suppose because it was a familiar place. The hospital was a long drive from our home, so Aidan was able to take a nap in the car. Then he slept for a couple hours once he was in his crib. When the little guy woke, he was as good as new. We even took a trip to the park where he tried to chase a dog.

Did I mention he's a little walking maniac now? And you can just tell he's so incredibly proud of himself. It's utterly adorable to watch him take every single step and laugh the entire way. He still does look a little drunk though.

Anywho, here are some pictures from our weekend at the lake where we fed the ducks and geese. Did I mention he tried to chase them, too? He needs to share his energy with his mama!

Just a quick photo

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


My ridiculous internet provider has been having issues lately, so I have only been able to access about 50 percent of the sites I want. This being one of the ones I couldn't access, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Also, if anyone has called me recently, I apologize for not returning your calls. My cell phone won't turn on! So email me if you need to chat. :)

Aidan is getting his tubes on Monday. It's scary because he will have anthesesia, but the doc said the surgery will only take about five minutes. And most importantly, Aidan will be more comfortable.

My days have been so busy lately, mainly because my unit is returning from Iraq VERY soon, so those of us who stayed behind have had a million things to do....But I'm not complaining. I got to stay in the U.S. with the wonderful little Aidan and didn't have to head for a second trip to the desert.

Hopefully I'll be getting PS very soon, so I will be able to share some Aidan pics with you.

OH! And if everything goes well, I should be leaving the K-Town on Easter. (March 23, if you didn't know.)