Monday, June 30, 2008

Sparkly eyes

Aidan has the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. They're a beautiful shade of blue, and they hold such a love for life. Watching Aidan watching his daddy with those sparkly eyes is such an amazing thing. After missing so much time as a family for 15 months, these moments are completely and totally precious. Aidan seems to be so fascinated by his dad. Everything Dan does, Aidan watches very intently. At the pool last week, Dan was doing canon balls off the diving board, and Aidan was so enthralled. This picture is of Aidan watching his daddy. Does is get any better than this? I'll post more from the pool later, but I just loved the expression on Aidan's face as he watched Dan.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New website coming soon!

And I'm so excited! I really decided that I didn't like the entire thing, so I started from scratch. I think the result is much more me - for now. Eventually, when I'm doing this full time (some day), I'll upgrade to something a bit more fancy, but I'm happy with the new one so far.

In the meantime, here are some pictures from a day at the pool.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back from a mini hiatus...

Our lives never seem are never boring. That can often be a good thing, but it can also be a not-so-fun thing...And in the midst of all this not-so-fun stuff, I hadn't realized it's been 2 weeks since I posted. Yikes! I haven't been taking many photographs lately. I haven't even touched my camera in more than a week. But we're back, and I'll try to become friends with my beautiful Nikon D2x once again!

We recently went to stay with my sister Michelle and her family. So, now it's just the 10 of us. Yup - T.E.N. It's busy and loud - but mostly fun. Aidan is having a blast having a huge yard to run in, lots of kids to play with, and a dog to chase laps behind around the house (smart dog).

We're still plugging away on the job search, but we're honestly not having much luck. It's beyond frustrating, so we're looking at a zillion new options for our little family. Please cross your fingers that something comes along soon. We're very thankful for my mom and Michelle + family for taking us in!

These pictures are from a trip to Sugar Creek Winery in Augusta more than a week ago. Aidan befriended an adorable little girl there, though I have no photos of her. We were celebrating to lovely ladies turning 50. My mom and a wonderful family friend, Lois, both turn 50 this month.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Early riser

Since we've been in Missouri, Aidan's been waking up earlier and earlier. And anyone who knows me, knows that I'm NOT a morning person, so this has been an adjustment. I thought being out of the Army would allow me to sleep past 5 a.m. Not much - he's been waking up at 5:30 recently. It's ohhhh so fun. Ok not really, but at least there's good light to play with that early in the morning!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I forgot one. It was too cute to pass up. He may not like her too much now, but give it a few years....

Monday, June 09, 2008

A summertime BBQ

Yesterday Aidan and I went to a family friend's graduation party. Despite crazy warm weather (though it's still not nearly as awful as Texas was), we had a good time. I recently bought Aidan some buckets and shovels, and he had a great time in a pile of rocks. Aidan also got to see Sunnee, an adorable 4-month-old baby girl, at the party. He even got to hold her on his lap, although I'm not really sure he enjoyed it too much. Here are a few images from our Sunday afternoon. And if you were wondering where Mr. Dan was, he joined the Missouri National Guard and was doing his first drill with them.

And....introducing Miss Sunnee to the blog. Could she be any cuter?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Blowin' Bubbles with Nana

I think of all Aidan's words, bubbles is the clearest. He can pretty much repeat anything you ask him to say, that is, except his own name. But bubbles is clear as a bell. His Nana recently bought him the coolest little contraption - a no-spill mini bubble bucket. Let me just say that thing rocks. It literally entertains him longer than anything. If you don't have one for your little ones, RUN (don't walk) to the store to get it. You'll be thankful you did.

Trains, trains, trains.

Aidan discovered another new love about 2 weeks ago: TRAINS! Everything was WOW! WOW! WOW! He especially loved running through the trains, and he always wanted "More!" Oh, and how his pants got unbuttoned, I have no clue.