Busy weekend behind us....
Dan and just got back from seeing the Da Vinci Code. Yes, it received rather harsh reviews from the critics at the Cannes Festival, I thought it was enjoyable. Although, having read the book, there's truly no comparison. As cliche as it may sound, I really couldn't put the book down. I read it during a CQ shift (24-hour guard duty we do once every few months in the Army). The first half was slow, but I thought the second half was fairly good. There were several aspects that were changed from the book's version, and for reasons I don't understand. Needless to say, I'm sure those who haven't read Dan Brown's work will enjoy it more than those of us who have.
I am now writing to you from our new Sony Vaio laptop. Dan's laptop died after returning from a tour in Baghdad, so we purchased a replacement and purchased the most wonderful invention-wireless internet. It's fabulous.
We also shot our first wedding on Saturday. We travelled to a beautiful temple in San Antonio, where we were not allowed inside because we are not Mormon. We took plenty of beautiful shots with the temple in the background, and it was gorgeous. It was a nice day as well, very sunny. Then we drove a couple of hours to a quaint bed-and-breakfast in Salado, which is only about 35 minutes from where we live in Killeen, Texas. It was a very long day, and we both are still exhausted the next day. You have no idea what wedding photographers go through until you do what they do. I definitely need to raise my prices. LOL. (and buy some more comfortable shoes.) I've reviewed some of the photos and am very pleased with our work. I think the newlyweds will be too. Here are a few examples....

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