Monday, January 29, 2007

Aidan's a month old!

He's growing so fast. We had to take him to the doc today because we gave him a cold. Poor little guy. He's now weighing in at a sturdy 9 pounds. It's amazing how quickly he's gaining weight, especially after having problems those first few days. He's eating constantly, so I guess it's to be expected.

Our internet hasn't been working much, plus Aidan keeps me pretty busy. It's hard to find time to do just about anything these days. Anyone wanna do my laundry? :)

These pics are from last week, but you get the idea. He's growing into a baby, instead of a newborn.

We're trying to get things ready to leave. I'm headed to St. Louis and Dan is headed for Fort Jackson for the time being. Thanks to all the well wishers. We still don't know what his situation will be. Crossing my fingers and saying a prayer.

It's amazing how little sleep you get as a parent. When I was pregnant, especially in the last few weeks, I would wake up every couple hours for no reason. I think it was my body getting ready for Aidan. I usually do ok, but once it's been a few days in a row of insufficient sleep, I get crazy. Dan has been helping out though. He's WONDERFUL with Aidan. I wasn't sure what to expect, especially since he doesn't have any experience with children, but he's learning so quickly. Dan is particularly good at getting the little man to fall asleep. He's even woken up a couple of times in the middle of the night to feed him a bottle so I can get a few hours of consecutive sleep. Now that's a great feeling.

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