Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wisdom teeth are OUT!

Just wanted to say I'm back from my surgery and actually feeling pretty well. I'm going to go take a nap before my drugs wear off. :)


Heidi said...

Congrats on getting your wisdom teeth out! I hope you have a speedy recovery filled with lots of yummy soup and mashed potatoes!

April Ziegler said...

Hope you feel well! I used my wisdom teeth surgery as the perfect excuse for an 'ice cream only' diet =)

Anonymous said...

ouch....rachel just had all four out at once...lots of ice, painkillers and tv movies

Anonymous said...

ouch....rachel just had all four out at once...lots of ice, painkillers and tv movies

Kim said...

I can't believe you got them out with it just being you and your son. Your a brave woman! I still need to get two of mine out and I'm being a chicken about it!

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