Monday, June 30, 2008

Sparkly eyes

Aidan has the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. They're a beautiful shade of blue, and they hold such a love for life. Watching Aidan watching his daddy with those sparkly eyes is such an amazing thing. After missing so much time as a family for 15 months, these moments are completely and totally precious. Aidan seems to be so fascinated by his dad. Everything Dan does, Aidan watches very intently. At the pool last week, Dan was doing canon balls off the diving board, and Aidan was so enthralled. This picture is of Aidan watching his daddy. Does is get any better than this? I'll post more from the pool later, but I just loved the expression on Aidan's face as he watched Dan.


Anonymous said...

What a face!!!

Love to all,


Anonymous said...

I love this picture! Definitely one of my favs!!! :)

Belinda said...

Aah Nikki, he's so beautiful! And I love your description of him being captivated by his daddy:)
I LOVE your new blog! You really do your new logo now . . .