Thursday, May 24, 2007

Vietnam Wall Photographs

A Vietnam traveling wall (3/4 the size of the original in D.C.) came to Killeen recently. Here are a few of my photographs...

Oh- and by the way, we're in MO until Sunday! We got here yesterday. It was was Aidan's first time on an airplane and he was FANTASTIC. So many people stopped us to comment on how cute he is.


Anonymous said...

"It was was Aidan's first time on an airplane and he was FANTASTIC".

Well, he IS fantastic. Was there ever a cuter baby, or a nicer one??

For example, we all had Mother's day breakfast at The Kettle, which was filled with people, and bustling commotion.

You put Aidan in his traveling chair and he just watched it all. Alertly, with curiosity, with no fuss. What a patient, sweet-tempered baby!!

Loved seeing you, sad to come home.


Anonymous said...

Great work.