Tuesday, June 27, 2006


My blood pressure monitoring is done now. Not suprisingly, it was much lower on the weekend than during the week. Maybe they'll never make me work again for my baby's health. Just kidding. I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor next week, so I'll let ya know how it goes. Did I mention I have a male doctor? Would much prefer a woman. Oh well.

So I'm getting ready for bed, and I turn the tv on to keep me company. Dan's working some overtime to pay for a vacation we're hoping to take later in the year. (Perhaps a babymoon vacation to Mexico?) Anyway, so I start flipping the channels and stop on Texas Chainsaw Masacre. What is wrong with me? I'm a total glutton for punishment. I'm sure I'll be posting about my nightmares tomorrow.

Last night I had a strangely vivid dream that I was performing in some theatre production with a friend of mine who's now stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I forgot all my lines and was embarrased beyond belief. Then my sister Tanya comes up to me and tells me how much the show sucks. That's all I really remember, but it seemed so real when I woke up. It's crazy how realistic your dreams are when you're pregnant.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

World Cup Fever

Well, I haven't had it at all, but Dan certainly has. He was terribly disappointed when the Dutch lost today. We had a few people over for a bbq and to watch the game. It was a good time. I was just happy not to be traveling. We've been so busy for the past few weeks, I totally needed a break. We had the lovely pleasure of cleaning our apartment too. So fun, let me tell you. Well, I've added more photos for from our trip to the Arch grounds for Sam and family.My favorite photos of the day were from the downtown shoot. I've included one of my favorites in this post. Luckily, Shutterfly just updated their software, so it's much easier to add photos. Here's the new link. http://ndwportfolio.shutterfly.com/action/

I've been reading my Pregnancy Week by Week book, and it says the baby is now the size of a peach. She sure is growing quickly! Ok, not really, but she will be soon. I read that she already has all of her teeth too. Everybody at work tells me it's definitely going to be a boy because I keep talking about it like she's a girl. I can't wait to find out! On a random side note, you would not believe how many women in Central Texas smoke during pregnancy. It's truly unbelievable they can't quit even for their baby's sake.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wanting to smash my laptop

I'm trying to work on Sam and Joe's wedding pics, because for the first time in two weeks, I HAVE FREE TIME! So what happens? My brand new laptop decides to act like it's possesed by the devil. I want to throw it out the window, but somebody might be mad because they have no wedding pics. I'm going to have to finish them up before I have it serviced, or maybe they'll just exchange it. Anyway, here's the link.
Not only is my computer crazy, but it takes forever to upload the pics because they are so large. I wanted people to be able to save them and print from the website if they want.

Baby Welch is doing well. That's all for now.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Dan and I just got back from our first ultrasound. It was amazing! Dan got to see the baby first, because the screen was pointed in his direction. Finally I got to see it (her) and I could see it's tiny heart beating. I never imagined I could be that happy. It seemed real before, but after finally seeing the baby, it's more real than ever. There really is a tiny person inside of me. The lady laughed at how excited we were. Here's the first photo of baby Welch! In case you can't tell, the head is on the right, and the feet are on the left. It was more obvious during the ultrasound. We could see the baby's hands moving all around. I think it was waving at daddy. LOL.

The doctor said everything is going well, unfortunately it's a military doctor, but whatever. I'll have to get over it I suppose. The only issue right now is my elevated blood pressure. It's been high at both of my appointments since I've been pregnant. Usually I have excellent bp, so the doctor is going to monitor it for the next five days. Wish us luck!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Here's to another 3-day weekend

Tomorrow we're heading to Oklahoma for my cousin's wedding. Another traveling weekend. I think my energy is slowly but surely coming back to me, which is fabulous. It's been rather difficult wanting to sleep all the time and not being able to do all the things I need to do.

I must confess that I watched the Britney Spears special on Dateline this evening, and I'll even admit that I feel the *tiniest* bit sorry for her.

Still debating whether or not to stay in the Army, I'm just really unhappy and can't wait to be fee. I just don't know if it's the best decision for us right now. Good news is I have until 30 days before the due date to officially make up my mind. Hopefully it won't take us that long.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Our whirlwind trip to St. Louis

Dan and I arrived home safely at about midnight last night after our 3-day trip to the Lou. Friday we went to the rehearsal for Sam and Joe's wedding, followed by the rehearsal dinner. We were busy shooting the wedding all day Saturday. Sam and Joe make a great couple, and the wedding was gorgeous. Here's a link to some pics: share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=9AYuG7hs4bOZA

I'll be putting more up as I slowly go through them. I know some people are anxiously awaiting them, so I'll try to be quick!

Sunday we had an early birthday celebration for my mom. She is uh, 35, today-hmmm. LOL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! (And thanks for all your help this weekend.)

Next weekend we're headed to Oklahoma for yet another wedding, tis the season. This time it'll be my cousin Kathy getting married, but I get to sit back and relax. No shooting for me, well, at least not officially. I'm sure I'll still lug my camera with me.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Just about to get off duty

Well I've been on duty for 24 hours now, and I'm just about 25 minutes away from going home and passing out in my bed. It's been a really boring night, but I'm so thankful for our new laptop. The a/c has not been working in my unit's building, which really doesn't help when you have morning sickness. Oh well, we leave for St. Louis tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dixie Chicks cd...

I just bought the new Dixie Chicks cd, and I think it's fabulous. While I don't necessarily agree with their politics, most of their music isn't really political. I do, however, agree with free speech and their right to say what they want. People keep saying it's a rock album and that they're departing from their country style. I disagree, the country flair is still there. It actually reminds me a bit of Sheryl Crow, whom I adore. Check it out.

In baby news, we're now 10 weeks! With all the changes I've experienced, it's hard for me to understand how someone would not know they were pregnant until 3 months. How would you not notice all the crazy things going on in your body?

It's soooo hot here, and it's not even officially summer. In the 100s everyday. All I do is sweat when I wear my uniform. I really *hope* it's a little cooler in Missouri for our weekend trip.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A trip to Austin

Today, me and some girls from work spent a girls day out in Austin, about an hour drive from nowhere Killeen. It was a fabulous treat and it was wonderful to visit a real city with something to do. We ate mexican, went shopping, and took a trip to a camera store. Going to a large specialty camera store for me is comparable to a child going to FAO Schwarz in New York. I could spend thousands of dollars in that place. Someday, someday...

No morning sickness for me today and only 2 weeks until our first ultrasound. I'm getting truly anxious to see the baby and hear the heartbeat!

Yesterday on 20/20 (I think?!) I was watching a special on foster kids. There has been a recent movement by photographers and adoption agencies to provide children in the system the opportunity to do a photoshoot with professional photographers around the country. Then they put the photographs on display in galleries. Apparently after one project in Washington D.C., the rate in adoptions increased by nearly 200 percent after the photos were on display. Not only are more children being adopted, but the children get a special opportunity to share their story with people who really care about them and want to help them. I was recently approached through email by an adoption agency about participating in the program, but due to hectic schedule I completely forgot about it. Watching the show last night reminded me how much I would be honored to help these children. One of the photographers felt such a strong connection about one of the girls that she and her husband actually adopted the girl. It was such an inspiring story, it made me tear up. It may be the pregnancy, but I was touched. If you'd like to check out the Central Texas Chapter here's the address: http://www.heartgallerytexas.com/index.htm

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

So Dan has been working late every day this week, until midnight. This leaves me with not much to do, especially because I really have zero energy these days. So, I'm flipping channels this evening and land on one of the religious channels. There was a debate, mostly one-sided of course, about the truth of Dan Brown's ideas in the book. I keep hearing about Christians denouncing the book and the movie, and quite honestly don't understand what all the fuss is about. I was in Iraq when the book hit the shelves, so I avoided all the controversy the first time. My 2 cents is this: The book is found in the FICTION section. The movie claims NO truth, nor any historical accuracy. Unfortunately many of the people against Dan Brown have never read his work, nor will they ever see the movie. The work is a thriller, about a symbologist and a detective on a suspensful adventure to find a murderer. The supposed bloodline of Jesus is not the most important part of the Da Vinci Code, and it is also approached as a POSSIBLE THEORY!

Sorry to rant, but I'm truly sick of hearing people on their own rants, especially when they haven't even read the book. I believe in God, and I'm not about to take this book as something to base my faith on. Nor do I believe anybody else is. It's pure entertainment. That's ALL. Not only do I disagree that the Da Vinci Code is an insult to Christianity, in fact, I believe it's fantastic for religion in general. It brings up discussions, promotes learning, and it makes people think more about their personal beliefs. It brings up a quest for each of us: the journey to question and find what we believe. The Da Vinci Code makes discussing religion "cool".

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Crazy dreams

So the experts claim that we all experience anywhere between 4 and 20 dreams per night, but I rarely, if ever, remember any of mine. Since I've been taking prenatal vitamins, however, that has changed. Not only do I remember them, but they are INSANE dreams. Last night I was dreaming that Simon Cowell was trying to murder me. I had discovered he was gay, and he wanted to keep it a secret. He was chasing me, trying to kill me with a knife. I actually remember waking up screaming 'Help Me.' I've had other weird and random dreams. Then this woman at my work comes up to me and asks if I've been having strange dreams. *How did she know?* :) Well, turns out, many women have weird dreams when they take these vitamins?! Very freaky! I wonder what will be turning in my mind tonight. I'll keep you posted.

By the way, can we have a little poll. (If anyone is really reading this thing.)

Of the following boy's names, which do you prefer?
