Friday, June 02, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

So Dan has been working late every day this week, until midnight. This leaves me with not much to do, especially because I really have zero energy these days. So, I'm flipping channels this evening and land on one of the religious channels. There was a debate, mostly one-sided of course, about the truth of Dan Brown's ideas in the book. I keep hearing about Christians denouncing the book and the movie, and quite honestly don't understand what all the fuss is about. I was in Iraq when the book hit the shelves, so I avoided all the controversy the first time. My 2 cents is this: The book is found in the FICTION section. The movie claims NO truth, nor any historical accuracy. Unfortunately many of the people against Dan Brown have never read his work, nor will they ever see the movie. The work is a thriller, about a symbologist and a detective on a suspensful adventure to find a murderer. The supposed bloodline of Jesus is not the most important part of the Da Vinci Code, and it is also approached as a POSSIBLE THEORY!

Sorry to rant, but I'm truly sick of hearing people on their own rants, especially when they haven't even read the book. I believe in God, and I'm not about to take this book as something to base my faith on. Nor do I believe anybody else is. It's pure entertainment. That's ALL. Not only do I disagree that the Da Vinci Code is an insult to Christianity, in fact, I believe it's fantastic for religion in general. It brings up discussions, promotes learning, and it makes people think more about their personal beliefs. It brings up a quest for each of us: the journey to question and find what we believe. The Da Vinci Code makes discussing religion "cool".


Kelly said...

I totally agree and keep telling people the same thing!

Nikki said...

Oh good, I was thinking I would completely get bombarded with arguments!