Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More Army drama

So the Army has stop-lossed me. This means instead of getting out in April, I'm now getting out in June. I'm really disappointed because I'm so ready to be done with this entire experience. My student loans are paid off and I want out. At least Dan will be here to move with us, well, hopefully. ****knocking on wood******

Sorry no pics today. Things have been busy here. I had 24-hour duty twice in 2 weeks. Luckily, there's an amazing teacher at Aidan's daycare who's totally in love with him (who wouldn't be!) and she watched him for me. She has 3 children of her own and they absolutely loved him too. So he was well cared for. So, that's my excuse for not posting much lately.

A little update: He is just about to crawl. He is up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He can say Da Da. And he is sitting up really well. Oh, and
he's 8 months old today! Can you believe it?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Baby crush

Aidan and I went to Austin to visit our friends Belinda and Kate. I think Kate has a huge crush on Aidan. Everytime we go visit, she wants to touch him, pull his hair, pat his leg, etc. They are so cute together, especially now that they definitely have little personalities. We all went to the pool together, and we had a great time.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The heat is on!

We're finally back to normal temps for Texas in August. That means 100 degrees. Yuck. I took Aidan to the park. We stayed for about 3 minutes. Then he drank a bunch of water, which he loves, and we left. That was all we could take. It's so ridiculous.

Anyway, Aidan finally got his new carseat! It's so nice and soft. I think he loves it. He had completely outgrown the infant seat and was about to go over the weight limit. The little chunkster was too much for that seat. He loves his new seat, he even pets it because it's so soft. I picked this one for it's safety. It cost an arm and a leg at $270, but it's obviously worth it to ensure my baby is the safest possible. It kind of makes me sad they charge so much for a car seat. Shouldn't all babies be equally safe? I'll save that argument for another day.

Aidan has started waving. It's the cutest thing, and I'm really going to try to capture it on video so you guys can see it. He opens and closes his little hand when you say hi to him. It's the most amazing thing ever. He's such an amazing little baby. Well, not so little I guess.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Poor little guy

Aidan had to come home early on Thursday because he was running a fever. So I left work at about 11 to go pick him up. He was so sad and tired. I think he's teething. Although, I've been saying that for at least 2 months now. He was gnawing on his hand and whining a bit. I felt soooo bad. He wanted to cuddle me quite a bit, so that was kind of nice. I never mind snuggles from my sweet baby.

He finally felt better Sunday...His fever was long gone, and he was back to his smiling, giggling self.

I took him to the park yesterday for his first time on a swing. He was a bit small for it, but I sat on the ground in front of him and gently pushed him. He LOVED it. He was laughing so hard. I think he really liked the wind in his face. Sorry, no pics though. I forgot to bring a memory card with me. DOH!

Well, yesterday at Walmart I bought a pot. Then we came home and I put him in it. Enjoy.

(Oh, PS, Grandma, the tip worked great! Thank you! )