Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Dan and I had a nice (though very quiet) Christmas. He woke me up eary - about 8:30 because he was so excited to open his presents. Such a little kid, but it's adorable.
I took a few photos around our new place because I was bored. I made a shutterfly album if you want to take a peek. Here's the link: Christmas 2006
Posted by
10:56 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Insomnia prevails
I'm sitting at the kitchen writing you again at nearly 2 a.m. It's 2 nights in a row. Well today was another busy day. Had a few more Christmas things to purchase, and there are always more things to buy for baby Aidan. Today it was cube stackers from Target. Dan built it tonight, I'll try to post pics of the nursery soon. It's just about done - except for the dresser which is just going to have to wait a while. In the mean time I bought a cheap little plastic drawer thingy.
The temperature dropped a lot today. Early in the day I was out in flip flops, t-shirt and knit pants. By the end of the night - we made a late-night trip to Walmart in search of some ant spray (who on earth gets ants in their house in the middle of winter?) and I was wearing a hat, sweater and pants. Still had to keep the flip flops on because that's about all my swollen feet can fit into. Another picture you need to see - my grotesque feet Seriously, I never thought it was humanly possible to have feet this fat. Maybe I could be in the Guiness Book of World Records?!
Have I mentioned my back pain is worse? Much worse. Sometimes it's just numb. Sorry to complain so much. I think that's what you're supposed to do this late in the game though, right?
I think Dan is getting into the Christmas spirit a little more. I had to sneak around today to get his presents and I quickly wrapped them before he got home. He came in with a huge smile when he saw the presents under the tree. Then he started shaking them like a little boy. Then he started in with the 20 questions, and he kept wanting me to give him a hint. I did, but he only got more confused. It's so cute to see grown men act like children. He wanted to open a present tonight, but I told him no way. I guess I should get used to this, it's only going to get worse when Aidan gets older.
Have I mentioned he's still not here yet? Aidan that is. Obviously, I probably won't be blogging from my hospital room. Anyway...I'm fully committed to the drugs now, well an epidural. No silly nonsense about trying the whole natural thing. The only thing I worry about is not being able to feel that I need to push. I watch these baby shows and they always show these crazy mothers who say they feel "serene" during the whole thing - natural birth mind you. I think they're nuts. How can all that pain feel serene and glorious? No thanks. Give me some meds stat please. :) Amy where are ya when I need you? (She's an anesthesiologist, is or will be soon...)
Well, probably boring you guys to tears. Going to try to go back to sleep now. Might not be possible, Dan's giving me a run for my money in the snoring department right now.
Posted by
1:43 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Baby Aidan please come out
Today I spent the afternoon and evening walking through 2 different malls. Not an easy task when you're about to pop. The past few days have been extremely difficult because of my back pain. I had some earlier in my pregnancy, but it seemed to subside for several months. Now it is again rearing it's ugly head. I imagine it's because he's getting so big. Aidan definitely doesn't have much room to move around. He's poking my ribs and causing me all kinds of trouble.
I am sooo looking forward to him coming out. I feel like I say that every 5 seconds, probably because I do. :) I think if I was one of those women who go past their due date, I would go insane. I seriously think I would have some sort of mental breakdown. Luckily my doctor already said Jan. 2 will be the latest - hopefully he remembers saying that.
I'm not feeling very Christmasy this year. Neither is Dan. This is probably the most unChristmasy I've ever felt - well except the year I was in Iraq. I'm not sure if it's because of Dan's orders or if it's because there's so much anticipation surrounding Aidan's birth...Probably a combination of both. Also, the weather doesn't help much. This is the first year we've actually stayed in Texas for Christmas. Usually we go to St. Louis where it's much more festive and cold.
Every little twinge I feel I think it could be him coming. Then I realize it's just wishful thinking.......One more day down - How many more to go? That's the magic question. Keep your fingers crossed.
(Oh, and I know the time on this post won't be correct, but it's 2 a.m. and I can't sleep for the life of me.)
Posted by
1:37 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
My mom sent this - it hits home
by Michael Marks
I had no Christmas spirit when I breathed a weary sigh,
And looked across the table where the bills were piled too high.
The laundry wasn't finished and the car I had to fix,
My stocks were down another point, the Chargers lost by six.
And so with only minutes till my son got home from school
I gave up on the drudgery and grabbed a wooden stool.
The burdens that I carried were about all I could take,
And so I flipped the TV on to catch a little break.
I came upon a desert scene in shades of tan and rust,
No snowflakes hung upon the wind, just clouds of swirling dust.
And where the reindeer should have stood before a laden sleigh,
Eight Humvees ran a column right behind an M1A (tank).
A group of boys walked past the tank, not one was past his teens
Their eyes were hard as polished flint, their faces drawn and lean.
They walked the street in armor with their rifles shouldered tight,
Their dearest wish for Christmas, just to have a silent night.
Other soldiers gathered, hunkered down against the wind,
To share a scrap of mail and dreams of going home again .
There wasn't much at all to put their lonely hearts at ease,
They had no Christmas turkey, just a pack of MREs.
They didn't have a garland or a stocking I could see,
They didn't need an ornament--they lacked a Christmas tree.
They didn't have a present even though it was tradition,
The only boxes I could see were labeled "ammunition."
I felt a little tug and found my son now by my side,
He asked me what it was I feared, and why it was I cried.
I swept him up into my arms and held him oh! so near
And kissed him on the fore head as I whispered in his ear.
"There's nothing wrong, my little son, for safe we sleep tonight
Our heroes stand on foreign land to give us all the right,
To worry on the things in life that mean nothing at all,
Instead of wondering if we will be the next to fall."
He looked at me as children do and said, "It's always right,
To thank the ones who help us and perhaps that we should write."
And so we pushed aside the bills and sat to draft a note,
To thank the many far from home and this is what we wrote:
"God bless you all and keep you safe and speed your way back home.
Remember that we love you so, and that you're not alone.
The gift you give you share with all, a present every day,
You give the gift of liberty and that we can't repay."
Posted by
1:06 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Is anybody out there?
I never get any responses, sometimes I wonder if I'm talking to myself. Hopefully not, that would make me a little nuts.
Yeah, so Aidan still isn't here. Obviously, or I wouldn't be writing, right? Today I was going through his closet so I could wash some of his things, and I realized that everything in there is pretty much 0-3 months. In the off chance that he's not huge, he's going to be swimming in his clothes. I think he only has 1 newborn outfit??? He does have tons of little onesies and those little sack thingies. I'm so ready to meet this little person, I can't even begin to tell you how ready I am for him to come out. I can't wait to read him books and rock him to sleep. I wonder if he'll have any hair. I doubt it - I didn't until I was about a year old. And I don't think Dan had any for a long time either.
Did I mention our house is *almost* put together? I'm really trying hard to get everything done before we have guests. Just this weekend we finally bought a shower curtain and other accessories for the guest bathroom. It's been bare this entire time. Definitely starting to feel more like home.
Posted by
12:22 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
What IS this weather?
So Dan and I drove to Austin to go the giant Babies R Us today, and we had to have the a/c on because I was sweating like a mad woman. It was 85 degrees here. It certainly does not feel like Christmas here in Texas.
We didn't even end up buying anything that productive because I was way too indecisive. They didn't have the dresser/changing table I had seen online, but they did have one that matched the crib - only it was $150 more than I had planned on paying. It was $400, and I couldn't decide whether we should get it or not, so we decided to wait and think about it. We did, however, end up buying a bunch of decorations for his room. I'll try to post some photos soon.
I need to get in gear with my Christmas cards - we're just really behind with everything this year. We should probably start shopping for presents too, don't ya think?
Posted by
5:21 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
No news....
Well I contacted the unit Dan's going to be with, and they don't really know anything. They said the Army is still flip-flopping as far as where they're going. It could be many months before they know. Summer-time is their deployment timeline. So even though he won't be home, he won't be overseas for a while. (*if at all???!!!*) Hard not to get my hopes up. We'll see.
Not much else going on. We had our first birthing class last week. Most of the info was stuff we already knew. I have a breast feeding class tomorrow, and then we have birthing class #2 Thursday. He's going to be here so soon!
Posted by
10:38 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Lots of news...
Well, we had our ultrasound. Apparently baby Aidan isn't toooooo big, although he won't be tiny. Right now he's around 6 pounds. Now I read on the internet that babies can gain 1/2 to 1 pound per week in the last month, so he still has the potential to be very large. I meet with my regular OB on Monday, so we'll see what he has to say.
In other good news, not so good news, Dan received orders Friday night to report to Fort Jackson, SC, on Feb. 4 to "support Operation Iraqi Freedom." Now we don't really know what that means, or where he'll be going. From Fort Jackson he'll be going to Fort Benning in Georgia where he'll be put in the 131st MPAD. That's a National Guard unit out of Montgomery, Alabama. I've contacted my own sergeant major so he can find out where the unit is going and what they'll be doing, before Dan gets there. As soon as we know more, we'll let you all know.
I'm just thankful Dan will be here when Aidan is born. So many men in the military miss their children's births and I just think it plain sucks. The Army really doesn't care about your family at all. Anyway - we're trying to stay positive, and I think Dan has been more successful about that than me. I'm trying though. :) Keep him in your thoughts - maybe he'll just stay in the US somehow...
Posted by
9:22 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Another pic of the crib
Well I finally got the matching mobile up, and I put the bumper in, although I haven't tied it down. It's all coming together.
Posted by
11:10 PM
Another busy weekend
Aidan now has a crib! I'm thrilled that's finally done. Now we just need to get the matching dresser/changing table, glider and a breast pump, and we'll be all done! This weekend we also bought Aidan a little Baby Einstein play mat. It's adorable...plays music, has lights, animals and a little mirror for him to stare at himself. I was playing with it yesterday. Very fun indeed. :)
We also got our Christmas tree today. We went to the same tree farm we went to last year. The older couple who owns it is so adorable. They sell handmade breads, jellies, peanut brittle, etc. They also have tutherball (which I played all the time as a grade-schooler), a tree house, and they give out hot cider. I love going there. Most people aren't that nice in Texas (at least sincerely nice. It's mostly a fake nice, but that's another issue entirely.)
Dan has a huge paper due tomorrow, so we're not going to decorate it yet. But I'll put up pics once we do. I'm wondering if little Aidan will be here for this Christmas... Aidan's Baby Einstein play mat.
his crib along with some of his Moonbeam decor.
wooden letters from Target I painted blue. I'm going to attach ribbon and hang them on the wall above his crib .
Posted by
10:16 PM