Baby Aidan please come out
Today I spent the afternoon and evening walking through 2 different malls. Not an easy task when you're about to pop. The past few days have been extremely difficult because of my back pain. I had some earlier in my pregnancy, but it seemed to subside for several months. Now it is again rearing it's ugly head. I imagine it's because he's getting so big. Aidan definitely doesn't have much room to move around. He's poking my ribs and causing me all kinds of trouble.
I am sooo looking forward to him coming out. I feel like I say that every 5 seconds, probably because I do. :) I think if I was one of those women who go past their due date, I would go insane. I seriously think I would have some sort of mental breakdown. Luckily my doctor already said Jan. 2 will be the latest - hopefully he remembers saying that.
I'm not feeling very Christmasy this year. Neither is Dan. This is probably the most unChristmasy I've ever felt - well except the year I was in Iraq. I'm not sure if it's because of Dan's orders or if it's because there's so much anticipation surrounding Aidan's birth...Probably a combination of both. Also, the weather doesn't help much. This is the first year we've actually stayed in Texas for Christmas. Usually we go to St. Louis where it's much more festive and cold.
Every little twinge I feel I think it could be him coming. Then I realize it's just wishful thinking.......One more day down - How many more to go? That's the magic question. Keep your fingers crossed.
(Oh, and I know the time on this post won't be correct, but it's 2 a.m. and I can't sleep for the life of me.)
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