Another busy weekend
Aidan now has a crib! I'm thrilled that's finally done. Now we just need to get the matching dresser/changing table, glider and a breast pump, and we'll be all done! This weekend we also bought Aidan a little Baby Einstein play mat. It's adorable...plays music, has lights, animals and a little mirror for him to stare at himself. I was playing with it yesterday. Very fun indeed. :)
We also got our Christmas tree today. We went to the same tree farm we went to last year. The older couple who owns it is so adorable. They sell handmade breads, jellies, peanut brittle, etc. They also have tutherball (which I played all the time as a grade-schooler), a tree house, and they give out hot cider. I love going there. Most people aren't that nice in Texas (at least sincerely nice. It's mostly a fake nice, but that's another issue entirely.)
Dan has a huge paper due tomorrow, so we're not going to decorate it yet. But I'll put up pics once we do. I'm wondering if little Aidan will be here for this Christmas... Aidan's Baby Einstein play mat.
his crib along with some of his Moonbeam decor.
wooden letters from Target I painted blue. I'm going to attach ribbon and hang them on the wall above his crib .
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