Lots of news...
Well, we had our ultrasound. Apparently baby Aidan isn't toooooo big, although he won't be tiny. Right now he's around 6 pounds. Now I read on the internet that babies can gain 1/2 to 1 pound per week in the last month, so he still has the potential to be very large. I meet with my regular OB on Monday, so we'll see what he has to say.
In other good news, not so good news, Dan received orders Friday night to report to Fort Jackson, SC, on Feb. 4 to "support Operation Iraqi Freedom." Now we don't really know what that means, or where he'll be going. From Fort Jackson he'll be going to Fort Benning in Georgia where he'll be put in the 131st MPAD. That's a National Guard unit out of Montgomery, Alabama. I've contacted my own sergeant major so he can find out where the unit is going and what they'll be doing, before Dan gets there. As soon as we know more, we'll let you all know.
I'm just thankful Dan will be here when Aidan is born. So many men in the military miss their children's births and I just think it plain sucks. The Army really doesn't care about your family at all. Anyway - we're trying to stay positive, and I think Dan has been more successful about that than me. I'm trying though. :) Keep him in your thoughts - maybe he'll just stay in the US somehow...
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