Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Aidan's first Thanksgiving

In typical Nikki fashion, here's a photo of Aidan on his first Thanksgiving -- well after the fact. ;) Sorry, we're finally caught up with everything after our vacation. Aidan LOVED Thanksgiving dinner, which we had twice, not including leftovers. I've never seen him eat so much table food. He inhaled the turkey. I'll definitely have to make him some more. It was so cute to see him loving the turkey. He also ate plenty of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, etc. My mom even went behind my back and gave him a cookie! Can you believe it? She waited until I was gone, and she was watching Aidan when I went to Michelle's to take some pics. Then she and Sandy gave him a cookie, and they said he loved it. Go figure!

This photo is of Aidan with my grandpa. With most people he saw in Missouri, it took a while for him to warm up to. Not the case with my grandfather. He adored sitting on his great-grandpa's lap. Soooo cute!

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