Sunday, December 17, 2006

What IS this weather?

So Dan and I drove to Austin to go the giant Babies R Us today, and we had to have the a/c on because I was sweating like a mad woman. It was 85 degrees here. It certainly does not feel like Christmas here in Texas.

We didn't even end up buying anything that productive because I was way too indecisive. They didn't have the dresser/changing table I had seen online, but they did have one that matched the crib - only it was $150 more than I had planned on paying. It was $400, and I couldn't decide whether we should get it or not, so we decided to wait and think about it. We did, however, end up buying a bunch of decorations for his room. I'll try to post some photos soon.

I need to get in gear with my Christmas cards - we're just really behind with everything this year. We should probably start shopping for presents too, don't ya think?


gryfnn said...

every expectant mother should watch a cat have kittens. They know how to do it.

whymommy said...

Babies R Us does NOT carry the same stock online as in the stores. I learned this when my husband and in-laws went shopping while I stayed at home (I'm on bedrest with this pregnancy) and followed along online. But the online options are pretty good, and cheap too. We went with a really nice white dresser and put rails on the top for a changing table. Easy, peasy, and under $200.

Good luck to you!