Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The drama has ceased, well sort of...

Well, we're all done with the horrible Country Place Apartments. WOO HOO! Without getting into long, drawn-out details, those people were absolute monsters. We checked out today. This weekend we rented a truck and moved all our stuff. What a nightmare. I've moved many times, and this was definitely the worst. Oh-and let me tell you, you sure find out who your friends are when it's time to move, especially if you're nearly 8 months pregnant. Let's just say I have NONE! Luckily, Dan had a few that spared us a couple hours of their time. I was moving stuff too, and Aidan was probably wondering what the heck all the comotion was.

Our new place is VERY nice. I'll post some pics if I can ever find the box with the connecting cable for my camera. We got DirectTV installed last night, and Dan is in heaven. We also got the HD option, so we can finally put our good tv to use. On the downside, we have a refrigerator that DOESN'T work. Very frustrating. We had to throw out practically all of our food. It made me so mad.

Anyway, today is Dan's birthday! He's the big 28!!! I'm no longer robbing the cradle. Unfortunately, he's been sick. I think I gave it to him, poor guy. We went to our favorite diner, Mel's, for dinner. We saw tons of cute little trick or treaters there. I can't wait to dress little Aidan up next year. I think he'll be a pumpkin. Just about 8 more weeks. So crazy.

We'll be driving to the Lou Thursday, so hope to see you all soon. Oh and by the way; GO CARDINALS! 2006 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!! (That still blows my mind. I was thrilled beyond words. My mom and I were watching together while on the phone, and I was screaming my brains out!)

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