Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My little outdoorsman

Have I ever told you how much Aidan likes to be outdoors? Any mention of "outside," and he makes a mad dash to the door, trying to reach for the handle. Many times at school, he's tried to "sneak" outside, even long before he was walking. He would casually sit near the door, make sure no teachers were watching him, and when other kids, older kids, were going outside, he would crawl as fast as he could to get out there.

He loves everything about nature. If the wind blows in his face, he doesn't get angry or upset. He gives a tiny gasp, and he lets out a big giggle. When it's warm outside, we drive home with the windows down, so he can enjoy the fresh air. Sometimes, even when it's a bit cool outside, I still roll them down and blast the heat as high as it will go. This also gives him the chance to hear the birds. The grackles of Texas have been in abundance lately, and Aidan is highly amused by their chirping. He looks to the right, looks to the left and points, points, points. "Bir" he says. "Yes, Aidan, those are birds," I say, and he just laughs.

There's nothing like viewing the world through the eyes of your child. Nothing. Everything becomes beautiful and new. Even those grackles. Those annoying little birds I used to yell at because they would poo on my car and wake me up in the middle of the night with their squawking (and once actually pooed on Dan's head at our old apartment) now have become the highlight of our day. Ironic, isn't it?

(BTW, Hopefully everyone voted, if applicable. I did! It was a record turnout in our county. Great news.)

Here's Aidan trying to get mama to take him outside.

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