Sunday, March 23, 2008

We're back in Missouri

Our trip wasn't too bad. I ended up splitting it up into 2 days because I knew Aidan wouldn't sit in his seat long enough to get here. We drove to Oklahoma City the first night and stayed in a hotel, and then drove the rest of the trip on Saturday. We arrived about 5 p.m. I'm still exhausted and trying to recover from everything that has been going on.

We had to drive by crazy flooding in St. Louis County. Especially in Fenton, where the water was so high the only part you could see of a stoplight was the light itself. I would have stopped to take some pictures, but Aidan and I were soooo sick of being in the car. The little guy is such a trooper. He hardly complained. It was almost as if he realized he had no choice but to sit there and play with toys and watch Barney/Elmo.

It's so great to be back, although Aidan is sick again and is on breathing treatments. I'm going to have to find a pediatrician quickly. Poor little guy is coughing constantly.

(I finally found my phone charger, in case anyone was wondering why I fell off the face of the earth!)

Oh, and though it doesn't even feel like it : Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Nuttin like snow on Easter to welcome you back to St Louis, huh? And you know tomorrow it will probably be like 85! Glad you made it back home safe. Can't wait to see you two :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad u had a safe trip! Anxious to see Aidan in person since I've only seen him one time! :)

Anonymous said...

welcome home Nikki and must feel great, especially to be out of the car...wnt to hear more about your trip when you catch your breath...
hugs all around

Unknown said...

I love Owen's pediatrician... but he is in South County. So, I'm not sure you'd be interested. :)