Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just call me handywoman

With Dan gone, I have to do things I'm not used to - things I'm really not very good at. For example, putting together furniture is NOT my forte. I bought this fabulous bookcase from Target last week and put it together on my lunch break. I think I did a great job. Also, recently I hung a shelf in the bathroom and hung curtains in Aidan's room and in the living room. And I completely redid our photo collage in the living room. I think all of my recent projects turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

On Saturday, Aidan accompanied me to a photo shoot. Some soldiers volunteered to fix up a homeless shelter in a town near Fort Hood. I had to go take photos for the paper, and Aidan was pretty good. I was worried he would get tired and fussy, but he was good long enough for me to get the job done. Then we went to Target and bought some new curtains for his room. I previously put up yellow, but thought they were too light. Then I picked green. Still not sure about those. I didn't want blue because I thought that would be a complete overkill. I don't know, keep the green, or go with yellow? What do you guys think?

Today we went grocery shopping. Aidan always wakes up around 8 a.m., so we got an early start. I love going to Super Wal-Mart when NOBODY is there. It's a much more peaceful experience. If you go in the evening or afternoon on the weekend, it's such madness that I nearly have a breakdown everytime. Well, not really, but you get the idea.

Enjoy the new photos...Bear with me - they're from my little point and shoot camera!

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