Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Worst blogger ever

Sorry I've only been updating weekly...Aidan is definitely keeping me busy in Dan's absence.

He had a doctor appointment yesterday and he received his 2 month shots. Not so fun. I had to hold him down, and when he screamed (like I've never ever seen him do before) I started crying. It was very sad. He got over it pretty quickly, but I was still upset. The nurse was very understanding though, said that just shows how much I love him. She made me feel better. He's been running a slight fever, but he seems in good spirits - still cooing at me! He's 12 lbs. 3 oz. Everyone kept saying how big he was, which is nice especially since he was so tiny when he was born. He's really doing well.

He's actually cooing a ton now. He sounds like a little owl, and he actually smiles sometimes when I pick him up from daycare. That makes me feel great.

The past 2 weekends have been great. This past weekend Heleena came to visit us, and the one before that my mom came. It was great having some adult company. I know they were both thrilled to see how big Aidan is getting.

This picture is courtesy of Heleena, who captured a great big smile of Aidan. I love looking at that picture at work.

Still no "official" news on Dan's mobilization/deployment. They apparently keep changing their minds...


Anonymous said...

What a smile! What a charmer!!!

I have this picture at work and I look at it every time I need to feel happy.

All love to A and N!


Heidi said...

Aw, he's so happy!

Anonymous said...

This is precious. g jinkerson