Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My 2 favorite boys!

Dan was allowed to take a pass over the weekend. Aidan and I were thrilled to have him home - even if for a short while. He'll be heading to Fort Lewis for training for approximately 2 weeks. Then he'll head to his final destination. He'll be gone about a year from this month. Here are some pictures of my 2 favorite boys in the entire world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan and Aidan look just like me and Dan -- in a picture we gave you all for the St Louis celebration. Our picture shows me holding him up snuggling his nose...we are both laughing.

He was older than Aidan. It was taken the day after Rachel was born...so Dan was 4 years old. He has a scab on his nose where a mean litttle brat had hit him with a wood-block in daycare. I'm wearing a navy watch-cap, because we are on the Staten Island ferry.

I felt like it was time to take him someplace just with me (and our roommate, John Ward, a photographer).

Oh, I noticed that Dan and Aidan have the exact same hair-style. (ha!).

Just for the record, baby Dan should know that I feel the same overwhelming love toward him that he feels toward Aidan.

It passes on...