Saturday, April 07, 2007

A white Texas Easter

So I woke up this morning to discover it was a whopping 30 degrees outside. I couldn't believe it. In April? In Texas? What on earth? Needless to say, I put Aidan in his snowsuit for our trip grocery shopping at WalMart. When we came back and I was taking him in the house, I had a blanket over his face, but he kept knocking it away. The giant snowflakes were falling on his face and he was blinking really quickly - it was so funny. I took a picture of him in the snow (well not exactly IN the snow, but you get the idea). I'll be anxious to see what it looks like in the morning...It's supposed to stay pretty cold here. Aidan got an early Easter present - a new bouncy chair. He was too long for the other one, and his foot would hit the little box that held the batteries. This new one is supposed to hold him until he's a toddler (40 pounds) so hopefully he'll get some good use out of it. It's funny how once you have a child, you never buy yourself anything. It suddenly seems trivial, and all you think about is him. Anyway, hopefully I can dig a battery out for my "real" camera and take some fun Easter shots of Aidan tomorrow. Although I don't know what he's going to wear. It's not as if he has a plethora of winter apparel!

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