Wednesday, February 14, 2007

7 weeks old!

Aidan is 7 weeks old! (Well in a few hours he will be anyway.)

He's doing well since we got back to Texas. He's been sleeping great. *knocking on wood* A lady at my work was able to make a few phone calls to get him into a child development center on Fort Hood, so I just need to register him and go through some sort of registration and he'll be ready to go to daycare. Luckily this weekend is a four day weekend, so I'll still get a few days with the little guy.

I get to talk to Dan every night for now, which I'm thankful for. He's doing pretty well, just a lot of Army training. He's going to the range to qualify with his M16 Thursday. He'll be leaving Saturday, but he doesn't get orders until then, so we don't know where he's headed for sure. More training somewhere I'm sure.

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