Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We survived!

Aidan's first day of daycare was much more traumatic for me than it was for him. I cried when I had to kiss him goodbye. All the teachers came and reassured me that he would be fine, that he was so handsome he would have a million girlfriends by the end of the day. That made me laugh! I ended up being about 30 minutes late to work, but I didn't care. I was ok when I got to work, except when people asked me about him, then I got teary eyed again.

When I went to pick him up, his teacher Yvonne said he didn't really nap all day. It didn't surprise me, he hadn't the past two days. He's always been a difficult napper. We got home about 5, he ate and took a little nap. Then I tried to wake him up about an hour later and he was sooo fussy. He acted hungry again, but wouldn't eat. I changed his diaper, put him in his pjs, he ate a little bit and then he passed out. Poor little guy hasn't had much sleep the past few days (and subsequently neither have I). I hope he gets a good night's rest tonight. 7 weeks old with no naps is not a good thing. Tomorrow I'm going to bring his swaddle me blanket, hopefully that will help.

Here's a photograph of him on the way to daycare. Doesn't he look cute? Heleena sent it to him, and I think he looked adorable. But I'm a bit biased.

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